Common Myths About Treating Herpes

Herpes is a common STD that affects both men and women. Many myths about it have been spreading ever since it became a major concern, placing it among the least understood and most stigmatized diseases. A majority of people even avoid just talking about it due to fear and lack of knowledge. The myths are often baseless and should be completely disregarded.
Myths about herpes treatment
You cannot have herpes unless you have sores
The truth is that herpes can lay dormant for years, without presenting any symptoms that can be noticed. A good number of people who are not aware of its existence until it manifests. Figuring out how and when they got it when the symptoms finally show up may be a bit confusing. Symptoms usually appear as small blisters that look like pimples, on the genitals. They usually cause a burning and itchy sensation. Visiting a health care provider is the best way to find out if you have herpes.
People with herpes cannot give blood
People with herpes can donate blood if they want to. The only condition given is that they must be feeling healthy at the time of donation, and should not have any other infection that restricts blood donation.
You get herpes by sleeping with too many people
Having unprotected sex with many different partners does increase chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. However, to contract herpes, it takes only a single exposure. That means that a single sexual experience without the use of protective barriers is all it takes for you to get herpes.
Oral sex cannot transmit herpes
The transmission of herpes is from skin to skin contact. This includes oral sex as well, even when your partner does not have an outbreak or symptoms of the disease. Using protective barriers such as a dental dam or condom is important to reduce chances transmission.
Condoms provide complete protection against the spread of herpes
Condoms can provide only partial protection against genital herpes. Condoms cannot cover all the areas where the herpes virus may be present, or may not remain in place during intercourse. It might even break and expose you or your partner to the virus.
Herpes cannot be treated
It is possible to get rid of the herpes virus from your body permanently. You can do so naturally by using a product such as HSV eraser by christine buehler. The beauty of using this treatment option is that you do not have to undergo all the expensive and unnecessary medical prescriptions.…